Yoga Chikitsa

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About Us

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Yoga Chikitsa is a distinctive therapeutic service. This program was designed to reach out to people suffering from a wide range of health conditions who would benefit from taking treatments at their own pace and at their own convenience. 
As part of the program, participants spend time in the consecrated space of the Himalaya Niketan Wellness Center. A person’s health condition is taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to enroll in Yoga Chikitsa.
Patients cannot decide if they want to enroll in this treatment.

All aspects of the program are customizable, including the duration, diet, medication, and therapeutic treatments. In comparison with other therapeutic programs, the approach and schedule followed here are far more individualized and flexible, without diluting the effectiveness of what is provided.


Physio Yoga
It is an approach to rehabilitation that combines physical therapy and yoga therapy resulting in overall wellbeing and holistic rehabilitation helps in injury prevention,pain relief .specialized skills are used to assess,diagnoseamd treat individuals suffering grom variety of injuries,diseases and disabilities.

Benefits Of Physio Yoga

when practiced regularly the benefits are improves muscular strength , endurance,flexibility,bodyawareness,circulation,digestion,harmonalbalance,immunefunction, normalizing blood pressure,bodyweight.mrntally improves alertness,concentrationans sleep patterns.